We are one of the most productive Celtic bands around. We try to put out a new CD every 3-4 months, and at least once a year, we try to mass produce a CD. That's the expensive part. It costs thousands of dollars to properly duplicate and promote a CD. That's why we are seeking Angels.
Angels are people who have taken enough of an interest in our music that they are willing to donate substantial sums of money to help us achieve our goals.
Memories of Middle Earth is our biggest Angel project yet. It is an all original album featuring sixteen tracks inspired by JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The album was recorded from June 2002 until March 2003. We took a special approach and produced 150 Limited Edition CDs which we are selling to raise money for production and promotion. Each CD is signed by us and includes several special bonuses. See the Tolkien Wall of Honor to find out more information.
Right now, we are not looking for angels, aka people who are interested in sponsoring this album. We just haven't recorded enough albums and don't like the pressure. Nevertheless, we do want to recognized people who've made donations inspite of this fact.
Songs of Ireland Angels
Songs of Ireland was our first entrance into the world of donations. We raised a decent amount of money, but still need more to get it duplicated. A special thanks to the contributions of the following Angels: Courtney and Bryan McKenny, and Sean and Lisa Necker.
If you would like to help by donating money for this CD, please write us.