Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

Whoohoo! I just got word that we are now scheduled to play at the Garden in the Heights in Houston for their annual Celtic Harvest Festival. This is our first gig in Houston since 1999, but with your help, there will be many more. I'm looking for volunteers who will help us out by distributing flyers all over Houston and at the Garden to promote our coming. If we can attract a nice audience and put on a great show, we'll also secure ourselves for the Celtic Christmas Festival in December.

For those of you in Missiouri area, we need two things. Volunteers to help promote us in Kansas City, and we'd also like to find some people who would be interested in hawking for us and selling our CDs through the run of the festival.

If you'd be interested in helping out in Houston or KC, please write us so we can get started promoting these great events!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, July 25, 2001
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Well I just got word that Lannigan's Ball is going to happen!

Now most of you haven't heard the story about Lannigan's Ball. Basically, it goes like this. We perform a song called Lannigan's Ball. It's a wonderful jig that has about a zillion lyrics packed within three minutes time. The story is about a man squanders away all of his money until he's flat broke. But lo and behold, his dad dies and he inherits nice sum of money. Now, this isn't the guy who learns lessons. No, rather, he promptly decides to throw one heck of a part...a sorta wake for his dearly departed dad.

So he tells all his friends to come to this party. He tells them to invite their friends, who in turn invite their friends. And everyone gathers to partake of this joyous occasion. There's lots of alcohol and some great dancing, including from the narrator who even went to Dublin to learn to dance. (The chorus being "Six long months I spent in Dublin. Six long months doing nothing at all. Six long months I spent in Dublin learning to dance for Lannigan's Ball") Well as the evening progresses, one little accident happens and the ball turns into a brawl.

Okay, I'd like to leave out the brawl, but Lannigan's Ball would be the perfect event to put on and have a riotously good time. At long last, I even found someone (The Captain from the Texas faires) who has volunteered his land and time to organize the event. If you'd like to help, please drop contact us and stay tuned to the Lannigan's Ball homepage for more information as I learn it. It takes place in August and I should know the exact date soon enough.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, July 24, 2001
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I made a lot of changes to the site yesterday, including the new homepage. I hope you like it. I was trying to add something that had more of a personal touch. So of course, I also added a picture, which I noticed our site lacks. So voila'. I also updated the Celtic Lyric Directory. It's better organized into genres, and the corresponding stations are attached as well. Now you can look at the lyrics and/or listen to the songs on

Meanwhile, Andrew and I are still putting the finishing touches on the A Faire To Remember CD graphics and text for the insert. We're going to try and get it totally completed by the beginning of next week, so we'll be certain to have it by our release date on September 1st. So far it looks great. Actually, the photo on the homepage is being used as a watermark for the back cover of the CD. It's very cool.

Some Celtic news. A couple new CDs were released (or are about to be) that I wanted to point out. The Rogues have just put out their fifth CD, V.0. I listened to it yesterday, and man, it is fantastic. If you didn't like bagpipes before, you will love them after this CD. It is truly fantastic. I manage their MP3 site and will try to get up a couple MP3s today. Also, Jiggernaut, a new Celtic rock group out of Houston also has a new CD that will be released in a few weeks. There are some great cuts on their mp3 site as well.

Last, I'm pleased to say that Andy M. Stewart, the former Scottish singer for the band Silly Wizard is touring the U.S. this Fall. I'm excited about this. I've really fallen in love with his songwriting and some of the amazing songs (like "Queen of All Argyle") he has written. He's truly an inspiration. He has a couple songs featured on my Personal Favorites Radio station, which I'd like to add is doing amazingly at A lot of people are checking it out and coming back. Please drop by and listen.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, July 20, 2001
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I did quite a bit of updating on my webpages this weekend. I fixed up Celtic, and Autoharp Radio. I also added a bunch of cool inks to my Personal Favorites Radio station, and changed a few artists around. Drop by and listen. I'm going to try and update that page every couple days if not more frequently.

Oh, for those who are curious, the 4th of July celebration went great. I put on a good performance for the many families out there, and had a blast doing it. And last week, we also went into the photo studio to get some new press photos. We should have those in a week or two. The shots look good and once they're done, I'll be back into booking us at some venues.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, July 09, 2001
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Well, last night's recording and final touches to "A Faire To Remember" went great! We put the finishing touches on the new version of Wild Mountain Thyme and a new melodic version of The Scotsman. Then we recorded a comical interlude to separate the Top 10 faire songs with the rest of the songs. It's faire-ly amusing. I think you'll like it.

Last, we attempted to record, Bonnie Jean, our tribute to "Brigadoon". It didn't happen sadly. So mayhaps when we return to the studio in the fall, we'll get another chance and can at last do it right.

All said and done, this is going to be our best CD yet. And I'm excited about getting it out and available. Stay tuned for lots of new songs coming soon!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, July 03, 2001
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It's July, and things are going great. First, let me tell you that July 4th, I (Marc) will be playing at a 4th of July neighborhood festival in Tarrytown in Austin. I'll try to get you some info ASAP. This is my first solo appearance in since I started with The Bards, and I'd love to have your support. Unfortunately, Andrew has a job in Fort Worth so he won't be able to make it out.

Meanwhile, tonight, we head back into the studio to put the finishing touches on A Faire To Remember. It sounds awesome and we've had a few people give some glowing reviews of it thusfar. Just a few more changes to go. Once, it's done, I'm hoping to see about finding some Ren Faire businesses and individuals to sell the CD from their websites in exchange for a nice percentage of the profits. If you'd like to do so, please Contact me

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, July 02, 2001
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