Songs of Ireland is done. Well sorta. The mixing and mastering are done. The plan is to first release the CD with a special Saint Patrick's Day cover. The final cover will be out within the next couple weeks. But the Songs of Ireland - St Patrick's Day should be available for sale either tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest! We will have limited copies of this CD available for sale at Excalibur Fantasy Faire this weekend.
We also plan to camp this weekend. We'll be scouting out a campsite Saturday morning probably at the foot of the hill away from the drums so we can have our own song circle. Bring out an instrument and your favorite songs, new and old, and let's have some fun.
Finally, I'm pleased to announce that we've worked out a special arrangement with Michael McDane Harris of Ren Radio, the only internet radio program broadcasting Renaissance Festival music 24/7. Through it, you can now purchase a unique copy of A Faire To Remember with a brand new CD cover featuring some of Michael's favorite Renaissance art. A portion of profits will go to benefit Ren Radio to keep it running.
While the music is the same, the cause is invaluable. The cost of running internet radio programs is growing especially as major labels try to step and take away the Independent's liberties to make a living online. So order your copy of A Faire To Remember Ren Radio today to keep Renaissance Festival music alive!
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