Well our Official SXSW showcase is done and over. And it went pretty well, all things considered. The "all things considered" refers to our sound engineer or lack of a decent one. But despite the whirrring sound from speakers turned up too high, we kept smiles on our faces and did what we could to put on a great show. Sold a quite a few CDs, passed out a ton of business cards and met some great people.
On other news, we did not win any awards in the Austin Music Awards, BUT we certainly made an impression. With a little more organization, we'll definitely score some winners next here. Click here for the full results.
Here's how we ranked in the Best of
#10 Song of the Year: Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings)
#19 Male Vocals: Marc Gunn
#7 Band Website: TheBards.net
#4 Misc Instrument: Andrew McKee, Recorder
#3 Strings: Marc Gunn, autoharp
#6 Folk
#5 World Music
#3 None of the Above
Plus, our friend Donnelle McKaskle came out as follows:
#14 Celtic Storm, Donnelle McKaskle; KOOP
If you remember, a few weeks back, we were interviewed by the local WB affiliate for program that would air last night. It did, and it went great. I think considering how well we ranked (out of thousands of bands), our statement about "introducing ourselves to the Austin community" was extremely well done. Thank you all for your votes. I predict in another year, we will sweep the Austin Music Awards. Thanks!
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