Two New Releases from Memories of Middle Earth
Andrew and I had a fairly productive weekend. We finally put the finishing touches on two new songs, "Weathertop" and "Shadowfax".
Some may've heard "
Weathertop" during our recent performances. It's the first vocal release from the album that tells the story of Frodo and company's escape from Bree to the watchtower of Amon Sul where they encounter the Nazgul for the first time.
Right now, we expect that the album will be about 70% instrumental. And "Shadowfax" is one of them. It's an upbeat piece that evokes the image of a horse racing across the country. It's performed on the autoharp and recorder and despite the simplicity of the piece, it is very inspiring.
The next big projects on our list is "Fellowship of the Ring" and another vocal song I wrote called, "The Ring of Hope".
"Fellowship of the Ring" is a powerful piece and last night, I laid a great Autoharp track that I think you'll love! If you want to find out more about
Memories of Middle Earth, click here. You can now pre-order a copy.