Bard T-Shirts get a Make-Over
I've been wanting to do update our Cafepress t-shirt designs for a while. Well this weekend, I finally did it and put together some cool looking shirts.Bards Rule!
Short, simple, and to the point. These shirts may seem simple on the front, but the back, prepare to be educated on the definition of the "Brobdingnagian". Yes, it's in the dictionary folks. Look it up!
You Owe It to Your Elf!
This has become our most popular t-shirt. I guess the Elven Nagians love the slogan we use to promote our latest CD, Memories of Middle Earth. Can't blame 'em. I had to get my own copy of this shirt. It's very cool.
Size Does Matter
"Brobdingnagian" means "marked by great size". So that's what we named our first album. So we just HAD to put together a t-shirt to promote the album with this catch phrase. Turn around and on the back you'll find our Chalice Well logo that has the Arthurian folks asking for more.
You'll find t-shirts and a variety of other times like stickers and baby items for our lilliputian Nagians. They are all available now and I believe there's a few sales currently available as well. So head over there and order today!
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