NTIF Review & Tolkien CD News
Andrew and I drove back from the North Texas Irish Festival last night. Yes, for those who were surprised to see us there, we had a booth and were selling CDs. The weekend went fairly well though I must admit I was really disappointed with the sound quality at that festival. For a festival as big and well-reknown as they are, you'd think they'd have more competant engineers. Alas, no.
I'm pretty confident that the
Austin Celtic Festival will have much better sound, if for no other reason than I'm on the Board and will insist on decent sound engineers.
Other'n that, it was great to see a lot of old friends again. Sales were slow, but we had a blast hanging out with friends! And a special thanks to DiDi for hosting us Saturday night. We're still waiting for the DiDi Bed & Breakfast to open up. :)
And as usual, it was a blast to hang out with the Clan Gunn! I gotta admit, that they were some of the most friendly people at the festival!
Memories of Middle Earth
Okay, what's the news? Well, this is the final week. If for no other reason, we don't have time after this week to work any longer on this CD!
We made a Beta version and are currently making the final touch-ups on the CD, and balancing the tracks. The CD cover is almost done as well. I'm just waiting for Andrew's final approval. I should have that up in a few days.
Nagians had an opportunity to preview potential CD covers. The picture that was chosen was the one with the castle with a few graphic adjustments. Hey, and if anyone can guess where that picture was taken (name the town at least), I'll send you a free signed
Limited Edition copy of the CD!
So what's the plan from here?
Well, the plan is to take "Memories of Middle Earth" to the printers by Friday. This means we'll be finishing up the Limited Edition CDs this coming weekend and getting those in the mail!!!!
Stay tuned right here to find out if how our schedule is running!