Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

Memories of Middle Earth Limited Editions Underway

Well the our Tolkien tribute CD, "Memories of Middle Earth" is currently being mass-produced. Now we're duplicating the Limited Edition CDs with the hope of putting early orders in the mail in the middle next week. But those who already ordered the CD are now in the process of downloading the free MP3s. In the meantime, you can go check out tracks from the album at

Help support your local bards to promote and pay for the album by ordering a copy today! You can find out more about it on the Memories of Middle Earth ordering page.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, March 26, 2003
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Austin Chronicle Music Awards - The Awards Are In

Well the 2002 Austin Chronicle Music Awards are in. Special thanks to all those who voted for us this year. I was a wee bit disappointed that we didn't win an award, but we made a good turnout. But I'm sure we'll do much better next year with the release of Memories of Middle Earth.

Best Folk #5
Best World Music #5
Best None of the Above #5
Best Strings #5, Marc Gunn, autoharp
Best Miscellaneous Instrument #5 Andrew McKee, recorder
Best Record Producer #5 Andrew McKee: "Songs of Ireland" by the Brobdingnagian Bards
Best Cover Art #4 "Songs of Ireland", The Brobdingnagian Bards by Nancy E. Pearsall

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, March 13, 2003
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Memories of Middle Earth is Done!

Nearly a year ago, we finally decided we would record an album dedicated to JRR Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. Nagians have come from far and wide and pre-ordered this album. Most were hoping to have it months and months back...including us, but this is our first album recorded in our home studios. We've spent our time learning our recording gear, writing songs, and trying to get it all to sound wonderful. Well, I'm pleased to say it was all a success!

We've made an album that sounds actually more professional than our former albums, composed sixteen incredible songs, and made a piece that I know we will cherish for years to come. But we couldn't've done it without all the Nagians support! Thank you very much for your patience with us, and I know you will love the final result.

Here's the final breakdown for those who ordered the CDs:
1. Friday, March 14th, we take it to the be duplicated. That'll take about four weeks.
2. Ship the CDs to CDstreet
3. CDstreet will start sending the CDs out to all our wonderfuls fans.
If you ordered the Limited Edition CD, you're in for a special treat:
1. Next week, we will start duplicating the CDs.
2. In addition, we are compiling a special Bonus Data CD that will feature: a couple out-takes, some bonus MP3s of songs that did not make it to the CD, and sheet music for most of the songs on the album
3. I'll also finish updating the Tolkien Wall of Honor dedicated to all those who helped to finance this CD project by ordering a copy of the Limited Edition CD.
4. By March 25th, we hope to have all our pre-orders in the mail.
It's not too late for you to order a copy of the Limited Edition CD. Only 150 copies will be made. Each will be signed and numbered, so order your copy today.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, March 13, 2003
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NTIF Review & Tolkien CD News

Andrew and I drove back from the North Texas Irish Festival last night. Yes, for those who were surprised to see us there, we had a booth and were selling CDs. The weekend went fairly well though I must admit I was really disappointed with the sound quality at that festival. For a festival as big and well-reknown as they are, you'd think they'd have more competant engineers. Alas, no.

I'm pretty confident that the Austin Celtic Festival will have much better sound, if for no other reason than I'm on the Board and will insist on decent sound engineers.

Other'n that, it was great to see a lot of old friends again. Sales were slow, but we had a blast hanging out with friends! And a special thanks to DiDi for hosting us Saturday night. We're still waiting for the DiDi Bed & Breakfast to open up. :)

And as usual, it was a blast to hang out with the Clan Gunn! I gotta admit, that they were some of the most friendly people at the festival!
Memories of Middle Earth
Okay, what's the news? Well, this is the final week. If for no other reason, we don't have time after this week to work any longer on this CD!

We made a Beta version and are currently making the final touch-ups on the CD, and balancing the tracks. The CD cover is almost done as well. I'm just waiting for Andrew's final approval. I should have that up in a few days.

The Nagians had an opportunity to preview potential CD covers. The picture that was chosen was the one with the castle with a few graphic adjustments. Hey, and if anyone can guess where that picture was taken (name the town at least), I'll send you a free signed Limited Edition copy of the CD!
So what's the plan from here?
Well, the plan is to take "Memories of Middle Earth" to the printers by Friday. This means we'll be finishing up the Limited Edition CDs this coming weekend and getting those in the mail!!!!

Stay tuned right here to find out if how our schedule is running!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, March 03, 2003
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