Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

Memories of Middle Earth Nears Completion

I just got off the phone with Sound Recorders here in Austin. They said that we should have the CDs in hand by Friday! Yippeeeeee!!! Whew! It's taken long enough.

Okay admittedly, the CDs won't be hitting stores near you any time soon. Most labels get the CDs in hand and then spend a few months promoting the album. That's what we'll be doing for this album. The Street Date is not yet set, but I'm looking at July. We'll decide once we figure out for sure that we have the CDs in hand. (live and learn, eh?)

Meantime, don't forget to keep reading below. We're looking for people intersted in sponsoring this album. If you have a website, this'll be a great way to get a wee bit extra publicity for your site. We'll add a link from our Tolkien Wall of Honor to your website just by making the donation that'll also get you a copy of the Memories of Middle Earth.

You know, technically, someone could buy all the remaining CDs, have a monopoly our special edition CDs and resell them at a huge profit, AND they'd get over a hundred links on our Wall. Boy, maybe we should limit the number someone can buy? Naa! If someone wants to dominate our Tolkien Wall of Honor. More power to you! So order your copy before some tries my idea.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, April 28, 2003
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Memories of Middle Earth Promotion...We Can't Do It Without Your Help!

This is by far the biggest CD project we've tackled. Not only is it an all-original album, but it also has a theme that is undeniably popular. Tonight, I'll be brainstorming promotional ideas to make it happen, but until then, we are anxious to raise funds to to start promoting the album.
And you can help!
It's easy to do. All you have to is order a copy of the Limited Edition Memories of Middle Earth. Then, with your donation, you will get a bunch of bonuses as a way for us to say thank you!

There are only a limited number of the CDs available, and already, Nagians are lining up to say how much they love the CD.
Hello all!! I received my copy of Memories of Middle Earth today! I had a awful day that started with a flat tire and continued with things falling apart left and right, what a joy to open the mailbox and see a lovely package addressed to me!!!! We listened to it during dinner and loved it!!! Victoria insisted on listening to it while she went to sleep tonight.

Marc and Andrew you should be very proud it is a wonderful cd, and all you Nagians out there who have not yet bought a copy do so immediately!!!

- Debby
Help us out and order a copy of this CD like Debby did. You won't be disappointed!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, April 23, 2003
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1st Tolkien Middle Earth Promo Astounding Success

I want to thank everyone who helped to make the Middle Earth Promo such an astounding success! "Tolkien" climbed as high as #48 on the charts. Some other successes:

#3 Adult Contemporary - "The Ring of Hope"
#4 General Comedy - "The Psychopathic, Chronic, Schizophrenic Gollum Blues"
#11 New Age - "Breaking of the Fellowship" (one of the most-difficult charts to break)
#14 Film Music - "Fellowship of the Ring"

Those are all some tough charts to break, but thanks to all of you, we managed to firmly plant our feet on a variety of new MP3 charts.

July is the tentative monthly we are planning our official CD release. If you want to help promote the album, join our street team today!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, April 22, 2003
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Un-Convention-al Merriment

We had a fantastic time this weekend in Denver, Colorado for the Opus: Fantasy Arts Festival. Just got back and are slowly recovering from a long weekend.

Opus wasn't your typical convention. It was small with a very friendly staff. Rion and Sage and many others went out of their way to make this a fantastic event. It was also one of the first times I found a bunch of Celtic musicians that I had a blast jamming with!

We are far from being a traditional, or for that matter conventional, Celtic band. Heck, Memories of Middle Earth should be a prime example of that considering it is NOT a Celtic album in the least. It has more folk, classical, and easy listening sounds than it does Celtic. Our main instruments--recorder and autoharp--are not very traditional either. Add to that the fact that we prefer to play traditional Celtic songs, and it is sometimes difficult for us to find great traditional Celtic musicians to play with.

Well this weekend, was a wonderful sigh of relief as we found not only some great musicians to jam with, but some really kindred spirits. This made it all the nicer since one of the bands was called Kindred Spirits. Andrew and I spent all of Saturday jamming with members of Kindred Spirits and another great Celtic folk band, Gobs O'Phun.
Gobs O'Phun - Irish and Scottish folk songs
Gobs O'Phun is a family trio that plays Irish and Scottish folk music, and the band is just plain fun! It was as if there were three of us in one band. Their style was more like the Clancy Brothers with three part harmonies, but their performance is one of laughing, sing-a-longs, and rousing Celtic folk music. But one of the coolest thing and most innovative bits I saw was their Bag-o-monica (they had to rename it after the Clinton scandel, but I can't remember the new name...shucks;) The Bagomonica had Martin playing a harmonica with a baloon attached playing a drone that made it sound like...well...harmonica bagpipes!

It's awesome! And so is this group. If you love pub songs, you'll love this band. Go buy a CD. You won't be disappointed.
Kindred Spirits - Celtic and Renaissance music
Kindred Spirits is another wonderful trio from Denver. They are peculiarly similiar to us. It was almost weird. Ruth played recorder and mandolin. Marianne played harp and fiddle. Take out the fiddle and while we were jamming together it was like mirror images of ourselves...humorwise too! I mean, almost immediately after arriving my harp counterpart layed a wonderful slam on Andrew. ;) hehe

And it turned into hours of phun as Ruth, Marianne, Andrew, and I jammed to some traditional Celtic tunes, then sang some, and had a great time until Ana (their third member on cello and guitar) arrived, and we had to head out to our show.

And the music?

It was absolutely breathtaking!

Seriously, I was spell-bound watching and listening to them perform. The group said they didn't like playing up on big stages, being used to shows at ground level with the audience, but you could not tell.

Many Celtic bands I see perform, just play. It looks more like work. Sure there's great music, but the performance is kinda boring. Kindred Spirit took exquisite, beautiful music and made it fun. I got a CD and plan to listen today, and man, I can't wait. Because I was mesmerized during their show.
The Opus Fantasy Art Show
The art show was also particularly impressive. I saw some incredible work. David Martin is the one who stood out the most in my mind. I've gone to a number of fantasy art shows, but walking in and seeing David's work made me want to start decorating my apartment with fantasy art. Brilliant artist.

And to top it all off, it was cold with nice 30 degree weather at night. Ah yeah!

We got some great contacts and got a little pre-Dragon*Con rush too. With any luck, we'll be back in Colorado real soon to meet and greet a ton of new fans.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, April 22, 2003
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Topping the Charts!

Aside from the fact that our server seemed to die on us yesterday, it was a great for music! We're getting over 5,000 downloads a day. This has helped to push "Tolkien" to #49 on the MP3 charts and #25 on the download charts. Plus, "Ring of Hope" broke into the Pop Top 40 and rests at #4 on the Adult Contemporary charts. The week is almost over. So stick with us. Just a few more days of consistent listening and downloading.

Right now, there are three songs you can download: "Tolkien", "Ring of Hope", and "Breaking of the Fellowship". And shortly you will be able to stream the entire album from with a special station setup for that purpose.

But don't let that stop you from listening to all our songs. Our music is currently topping the charts once again. CDs are selling and we dominating the Celtic charts. But we're not done yet! So keep at it for just five more days.

Remember things you can do:
  1. Listen daily.
  2. Download the three songs mentioned above.
  3. Send bard greeting cards to your friends.
  4. And, drop by some message boards and discussion groups and tell others to head over to to listen and download some music!
This is just the beginning of some fantastic promotion still to come for this album. So if you haven't joined our Street Team, please do so now. I'll have updates within two weeks.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, April 17, 2003
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A More Detailed Origin of Our Name

Many of you have probably heard or read the story of how we decided on the name Brobdingnagian Bards. A little known fact is where I first had heard of the word brobdingnagian. Those who recognize it from Gulliver's Travels would think I first heard it there but they would be wrong. I first saw the word in a comic strip called Fox Trot. I saw brobdingnagian in the strip and looked it up in the dictionary. It stuck with me ever since. Why am I bringing this up now you might ask? At AggieCon a few weeks ago, someone actually recognized the word from the same source!!! Completely blew me away. Her name was Michelle Wildie; a nice and ebullient girl with great friends. Fun convention and that was only one of the surprises.

--posted by Andrew of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, April 16, 2003
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Brobdingnagian Bards Street Teams Prepare for Onslaught

Have you signed up for our street team yet? We plan on contacting Nagians around the world in the next couple weeks to begin a massive promotion of Memories of Middle Earth. We are wanting national attention for this album. But we need your help. Sign up today, and I'll drop you a line with how you can lend a helping hand.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, April 15, 2003
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5,000 Downloads Yesterday and Counting!

This week's Middle Promotion is going great. Yesterday, we had over 5,000 downloads and "Tolkien" climbed to #64 on the charts. That puts us at #37 on the MP3 Download Charts. But we still haven't broken into the Top 40 Streaming Charts. So please keep listening, downloading, and buying the LOTR Middle Earth Samplers.

Meantime, the Memories of Middle Earth - Limited Edition CDs are completed. We'll have those in the mail shortly. Thanks again to all who donated to our cause. Stay tuned. Andrew and I are working on some bonus material that'll only be available to those who ordered the Limited Edition CDs.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, April 15, 2003
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LOTR Middle Earth Sampler

We put together a CD sampler of seven songs from Memories of Middle Earth and slapped them down on one CD, the LOTR Middle Earth Sampler. Most Nagians would prefer to have the full length album, but this CD is a a great way to introduce people to our music and for us to top the charts!

It features our #1 hit song "Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings," plus, the long-requested "Fellowship of the Ring" and the new favorite "The Ring of Hope", along with several other songs that were predicting will top the charts.

The LOTR Middle Earth Sampler costs just $7.98, but sales of the CD will send our music skyrocketing. So to all the Nagians out there anxious for our success, consider purchasing this sampler in addition to the full-length album of Memories of Middle Earth.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, April 14, 2003
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Bad News for Texas Scottish Festival Fans

Well, it looks like the Texas Scottish Festival has over-booked for this year. So we will not be attending the festival. This means, if you really want to see us perform, you're gonna have to join us at the Clan Gunn Ceilidh. This is going to be one helluvan event as the Gunns really know how to party. So ye better hurry over to the site and sign up so they know how many people to expect.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, April 14, 2003
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Second Tolkien Release Coming Soon...

Look for another free MP3 from Memories of Middle Earth coming very soon. I haven't figured out which MP3 to release just yet. Feel free to email us let us know your vote. Meantime, please help us out on our promotional push by listening daily.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Sunday, April 13, 2003
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Another Beautiful Gig in Corpus Christi

I love going down to Cassidy's Irish Pub in Corpus Christi. It's such a cool place. It's small. Les, Geneva, and Keith are amazingly friendly people. And there's always a great mix of people. And little by little, we're getting a regular clientele who come out and watch us perform there.

Hopefully, we'll make it back again this summer, and if we do, I want to turn it into a bard beach invasion or something. I had a fantastic time swimming in the ocean, but nothing beats a beach with a lot of friends. I'm imagining a packed evening Friday, followed by a Saturday gathering with lots of Nagians before heading back on Saturday night to the pub.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, but Corpus Christi is a cool place to visit, and I can see it being even more fun with friends. So we'll see about booking something and get back to ye about such a gathering.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Sunday, April 13, 2003
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Memories of Middle Earth Special Promo -- We Need Your Help!

With "Memories of Middle Earth" being nearly finished duping, we will be doing periodic pushes of the album this summer starting today. Yes, we need your help to push this album up the charts and get some extra media attention.

This is what I need from you this week:
  1. Drop by our website.
  2. Download "Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings)" and "The Ring of Hope" daily (and another MP3 to be announced).
  3. Stream our music every day until Monday the 21st.
  4. Forward three e-cards to friends daily.
  5. Visit a message board or mailing list discussion group once a day and post a message. Put "Tolkien Tribute CD" in the message.
I want to push some of our songs back into the Top 40 online, but we really need your help to make it happen. So let's do it!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, April 11, 2003
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Elfwood Fantasy Sci-Fi

I came across a very cool ezine today. It's called "Woodworks Ezine. HWoodworks is a community newsletter for Elfwood, the largest fantasy and sci-fi site on the web. Issues are published monthly, with larger issues published three times a year. I enjoyed some great fantasy comics. If you enjoy Dragon Magazine's comics, you'll probably enjoy this. Plus, there's art and a lot of community info.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, April 11, 2003
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Venues We Should Play?

One of the new sections of our directory of links is dedicated to venues you think we should play. If there is a venue, be it a pub, a festival, a Renaissance faire, whatever, make sure you submit the venue to our directory (don't worry about reciprocal links for this section).

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, April 10, 2003
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Brobdingnagian Bards Angels

A year ago, we were raising money to promote and produce Songs of Ireland. We raised a wee bit o'money, but no where near as much as we've been doing for Memories of Middle Earth. I want to thank everyone who's helped us out by purchasing a copy of our Limited Edition CD. The CDs are selling beautifully, and I think we might just try this with future CDs as well, but with fewer quantities. In the meantime, please help us out by purchasing a copy of this Limited Edition CD.

If you would like to become a Brobdingnagian Bards Angel, find more about it here.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, April 10, 2003
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Website Update

I made quite a few updates to the website last night. Andrew was commenting that it was kinda difficult to get around, and I noticed the same. So I reorganized to for easier use. If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, let me know.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, April 10, 2003
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