Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

Memories of Middle Earth -- #1 Easy Listening album on

Checked the charts and Memories of Middle Earth is now listed as the #1 most-purchased Easy Listening album on!

Plus, "Hobbit's Dance" is topping the Classical music charts as one of the most-popular songs from the album and online. It's at #182 on all!!!! With "Tolkien" at #94, expect to see much more music hitting the top of the charts.

On a different note, I just finished completing my second compilation CD for the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. The album features twelve tracks by a variety of great Celtic music artists, including one solo track by me from my upcoming album, "Soul of a Harper".

The CD is currently on sale for just $7.98 and your purchase will help keep Celtic music alive.

Help Save Free Celtic Music Downloads
see what bands benefitted from your clicks yesterday

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, July 28, 2003

Best of the Rest

For those who didn't receive the Bard Crier, thank you all!!! The show at the Cactus Cafe was magical. We had a great crowd and energy like you wouldn't believe. Even made it through without that setlist we went out of our way to create, but forgot. It was fantastic. I still have a big smile on my face from the occasion. :)

And to add to that, looks like yesterday we made it to the "Best of the Rest" listing in the Austin American Statesman. One bit o'good fortune after another. Thanks for being a part of it all!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, July 16, 2003
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A Faire To Remember Reviewed

We really haven't taken the oppotunity to get our music reviewed much since our first CD, but I've been out trying to push, Memories of Middle Earth, and lo and behold, I just saw that Rambles Magazine just reviewed A Faire To Remember. Rambles is probably the best online magazine for reviews of the cultural arts and well worth checking out. Here's what they had to say about AFTR:

"The Brobdingnagian Bards have A Faire to Remember, which caters Primarily to the sort of crowd that dons tights and ruffs for fun. "Bottom line is, there's a lot of bad music out there on the faire circuit, and the Bards are good," Tom says. "They're fun. They're unconventional. What more are you looking for?"

Read the full review here.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, July 11, 2003

Brand-Spoofing Spam

In case, you haven't seen or heard about this news before, spammers are starting to use spam as a way of gaining financial information from people online. How to avoid this? NEVER buy or respond to emails that ask for private information. The article above labels spam as the latest wave of organized crime. Don't be a victim!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, July 10, 2003
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Bards on Austin Music Minute

Got a call tonight from Teresa Ferguson of KUT Radio. Looks like we'll be featured next Tuesday on the Austin Music Minute, a short radio program that features musicians performing around Austin.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, July 09, 2003
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New Music Added to Bard Top 100

We hope to send our music through the roof at with daily plays of our music until the end of next week. To that end, I've updated the Bard Top 100 Station which features ALL of our music. But rather than have you wait 15 minutes for the 200 songs to load on that page, you can head over to our page and click the streaming audio links. The station is now also updated with some of my solo music and music from the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. Enjoy and keep listening!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, July 09, 2003
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FREE STICKERS -- "Real Men Wear Kilts"

The latest run of stickers is complete. Now you can get your free stickers, by either sending a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope, mail us a buck and we'll send ye three, or send money via Paypal and get a dozen stickers to give to friends.

Brobdingnagian Bards
c/o Marc Gunn
PO Box 4067
Austin TX 78765

Oh, and help us spread the word about the free stickers. Scottish folks and faire folks will probably love these, so share the news!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, July 09, 2003
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"Tolkien" makes Dr. Demento???

I sent out Memories of Middle Earth a week or so ago. Looks like Dr Demento has the CD, and oddly enough the first track he played from it was "Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings)"!?!?! Course it was just played as background music, but it's way cool he liked it enough to use it. Now if only we can get him to play "Psychopathic, Chronic, Schizophrenic Gollum Blues".

Ye can make it happen by visiting his website and making the request today!

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Saturday, July 05, 2003

Help Us Post Austin-area Flyers

We are in major need of help getting flyers up for our Cactus Cafe CD Release of Memories of Middle Earth.

So much so, that we're willing to offer CDs or one of our original t-shirts for the effort. If you'd like some free stuff or just want to help out, please contact us. I have pocket billboards and flyers I will give you to post and hand out.

If you'd like to do it yourself, then you can download the files here:
Pocket Billboards (business card-sized ads, PDF)
CD Release Flyers (PDF)

Thanks a lot for all your help!


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, July 03, 2003
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