Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

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Synchronicity and The Chalice Well

Way back in the early days of the Brobdingnagian Bards, when we were still trying to figure out if we were gonna keep the long band name, we were also trying to find a cool logo.

I spent many hours making tiny pencil sketches filled with autoharps and recorders and mandolins, Oh My!

Then one day, while walking under the huge Live Oak during the first season of Excalibur Fantasy Faire, I happened to glance at my then-girlfriend's earrings. They were really cool looking. They were circular, had a copper color to them and a great design.

When I got home, I jumped onto Adobe Illustrator and recreated the image on my computer. I showed it to Andrew. He thought it looked good too, so it became the Bard Logo.

Six months later, we finished recording Marked By Great Size. You see, the original Bard CD labels were not only individually named and numbered, they also hosted the Bard Logo when we took them to Things Celtic to put on consignment. I remember feeling quite proud as I showed off my handywork. They nodded with approval and said they thought that the logo was actually a Medieval design.

Medieval, really? Could be?

Another year passed before a fan revealed to us the secret of our logo. "Yeah, that's The Chalice Well. It was a part of the King Arthur legends."

All of a sudden, I realized the synchronicity of the situation. Our first Renaissance Festival was Excalibur Fantasy Faire, an arthurian-themed Ren Faire. And our logo, by chance, happened to be straight out of the mythos.

Now, I've long been a fan of King Arthur legends. I even remember listening to a taped reading of Malory's "Le Morte D'Arthur" during my summer breaks in Italy. But I never really got that deep into the lore. Now, here it was, staring us in the face.

I sometimes joke that since I was born on St. Patrick's Day and of Scottish descent, I was destined to play Celtic music. Be it destiny or synchronicity, it seems to me there is more at work here than just two bards trying to make a modern living of an ancient tradition.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Thursday, July 15, 2004


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