We get ALL kinds of funny stories that revolve around one of our most popular songs, "Do Virgins Taste Better Medley" from our hit Renaissance Festival CD, A Faire To Remember. Recently, I heard this one from Magdalene:
A story from faire a few years ago.
I'm being a little raggedy peasant wench. On the road, I see a three-year-old boy in a dragon costume. Too cute. And I decide right then and there to go for it.
I threw myself on the ground, screaming, "Oh no! It's a horrible fearsome dragon!"
Kid immediately gets into it--raises his hands over his head, forming claws, and stomps towards me growling all scary-like. I am, of course, absolutely terrified and am begging for help.
When he gets close (and by this time, we've got quite a crowd around us), I say, "Oh, please don't eat me Mr. Dragon! I'm just a poor lowly wench, I wouldn't taste good at all!"
Dragon-Kid stops dead in his tracks. Looks confused. Then announced, "Dragons don't eat girls, we eat pizza!"
Poor kid was sooo confused when all around him started laughing. I somehow kept a straight face long enough to thank him for sparing me. Soon as me and my friends turned the corner, we just about wet our pants laughing.