Another delightful weekend at faire. The crowds were a bit smaller, but it was much more relaxing and enjoyable for me as I returned to an old tradition--playing for vendors.
Our first few years at faire, Andrew and I played almost non-stop. The trick though was to play without cutting into someone else's show schedule. The faire is so small that's difficult, esp with a recorder playing. So at Excalibur, we stopped doing it a couple years ago. But ye know, that's one of the things I love doing most. It totally energizes me, and of course, we can do songs that rarely end up in our regular set.
Last weekend, I was talking to Penny at Penny's Magic Garden. She was saying how much she missed us playing at her shop out there. So instead of sitting by myself out in front of the live oak, playing for no one, Saturday morn, I went to her shop and played for her. Andrew joined me for a wee bit. Then I played for Chameleon Dreams. Then another vendor. It was so much fun that I did it again on Sunday.
Speaking of Chameleon Dreams, that's turned into one of my favorite haunts. Chamelon like many of the vendors is Such a sweet woman. I wish there were more people like her. She makes what she calls Goddess Dresses that kick arse. Very unique, flowy and beautiful. If you like Amy Brown Art, you'll probably love her stuff. Very much in the same genre.
Aside from exceptional clothing, she's an exceptional person. You don't find many people like her out there. One who gives so willingly and loves so openly. Wonderful woman.
I was also a bit saddened to hear that Becky of Becca's Magic has sold her booth. She won't be back next year. So this is the last chance to get one of her gorgeous cloaks. Major works of art.
And the PUB SING ROCKS! Wow! It's the best it's ever been. Andrew started a wee bit early this year to try and make it better. He started working with Cedric of the Bedlam Bards and the Excal Dance Coordinator, Whitney, in February. Together, they improved it. Cedric does a fantastic job leading the Pub Sing, while Andrew leads most of the dances. Everyone has a place, and no day is without excitement.
Saturday though was a maybe a little more exciting than usual as a the storm clouds swiftly blew in and the Pub Sing was cut short by a brilliant Texas storm. Faire ended early, but up until the last moment we were all having a great time. Yeah, this is the first year I really LOVE the pub sing.
Hope to see more folks out there!
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