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Attention Artists! Christmas in Brobdingnag CD Cover Wanted

For the past few years we've talked about releasing a Christmas CD. Each year, something's gotten in the way. The Christmas songs we know. We just need to record them. So throughout November, Andrew's lead the initiative to put one together. It will be a bit of Christmas music with a bit of comedy. Well, we're nearing completion though we don't know how long it will be. Hopefully in another week, we'll have the music totally done.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect and was supposed to get some graphics together for the album, and I forgot!

Ah well, I actually wanted to get a few submissions for the cover in any case. So now I post that here.

My original idea was to call the CD "Christmas in Brobdingnag". The cover would be a picture of a giantess decorating a Christmas tree. I'm hanging as an ornament from the tree, and the giantess is about to place Andrew on the tree. Meanwhile, he's flirting with her and flashing those baby blues and sickening smile of his. ;)

Anyone interested in trying to draw something and submit it? Let me know and email it to me marc at thebards dot net as soon as you can.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, November 28, 2005


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