Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

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Special Message from Peter S. Beagle, Author of The Last Unicorn

My name is Connor Cochran. I work with Peter S. Beagle, the man who wrote THE LAST UNICORN, A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE, the "Sarek" episode of STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, and the screenplay to the original animated LORD OF THE RINGS (not to mention a whole lot of other classic genre works).

Right now Peter needs help -- BIG help. Which is why I'm sounding as loud a rallying cry as I can.

You will find all the details up on the web at

Just for now, here's the short form:

1) Despite having millions of readers and fans, Peter (who is 66) now lives barely above the poverty line. Why? Because all his life he has been cheated by publishing companies and film studios.

2) He is also fighting desperately to earn enough money to take care of his 100 year-old mother.

3) The English company that controls the animated feature-film version of his best-known book, THE LAST UNICORN, has sold more than 600,000 LAST UNICORN DVDs and videotapes within the last two years...but despite Peter's contract, they haven't paid him ANYTHING from those sales. In violation of that contract they've also refused to supply a proper accounting of any kind, despite repeated requests.

4) When Peter wrote THE LORD OF THE RINGS screenplay, years ago, he was paid only $5,000 for his work. He agreed to this ridiculously low fee because the producer said there wasn't any more money in the budget, and promised to make it up to Peter in big-money contracts for other scripting jobs. The producer didn't keep any of his promises, of course -- and his company is STILL refusing to make things right, even though they have earned more than $200 million thanks to the work Peter did.

With the help of the public, though, we can make things better.

Peter has hired an attorney to press his legal claims. But that's not enough, by itself, to win the day. Now he needs public backup by way of fundraising, publicity, and a *serious* letterwriting campaign.

If you loved something he's written, or if you believe that creators shouldn't be victimized by big corporations...then please join our cause and help him.

LEARN THE TRUTH: Go to and read all about it.

Thanks for listening,

-- Connor Cochran, Business Manager for Peter S. Beagle

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Sunday, January 29, 2006
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CD Release Party for The Circle, Katrina Relief Benefit CD

Five months ago, a devasting hurricane wrecked on the Gulf Coast where many of our dear friends live. So when Bob Brinkman of Modern Bard suggested that we create a Renaissance festival compilation CD to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina, I jumped at the opportunity.

The CD is now complete. It's called The Circle. It features 22 tracks of great Ren Faire music. On February 18th, we're having a CD release party at Mother Egan's Pub to celebrate the new album. Also performing is the Bedlam Bards.

February 18, 2006
Mother Egan's Irish Pub @ 7-10PM
Location: 715 West 6th St.
City: Austin, Texas
Phone #: 512.478.7747

Help us out by telling all your friends to join the fun!

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--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, January 27, 2006
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Bards not at Excalibur Fantasy Faire

Just wanted to let everyone know that we will not be at Excalibur Fantasy Faire this year. It has changed ownership, management, and location so it is like a new faire with the same name. I wanted to make this clear since I have been receiving emails about seeing us there. I am working on some local gigs that should get figured out in the next few days so keep in touch. I'll get something arranged so that everyone can still get together at a Bard show in or near Austin.

--posted by Andrew of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, January 18, 2006
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Renaissance Musicians Join Forces to Aid Katrina Victims

Many were hit hard when Hurricane Katrina battered the southern states with her fury. Further devastation ensued in her wake by Rita. To help alleviate the stress these two storms have caused, Bob Brinkman from Modern Bard and Marc Gunn from the Brobdingnagian Bards have compiled a CD titled Circle. Many wonderful artists have contributed to this album, including the Brobdingnagian Bards, 3 Pints Gone, Empty Hats and the Rogues. For a complete track listing go to Let's show these musicians we are as dedicated as they are. The CD will he available in the next two weeks.

Find out more about The Circle here.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, January 10, 2006
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