Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

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April Fool's Day at Mother Egan's Irish Pub in Austin

In 1999, after our first few months together, we were starting to build a decent-sized fan base. Our mailing list had a few hundred people subscribed to it and we were playing daily on the South Mall at the University of Texas at Austin. Then all hell broke loose for our loyal Nagians. The email arrived.
"Dear Nagians, we're sorry to inform you that Andrew and I are having some creative differences and decided to part ways" etc etc.
The outcry was deafening. Everyone was heartbroken as we received a torrent of emails saying "WHY????"

April Fools!

But I don't think anyone thought it was as funny as we did. We had a lot of warm fuzzies inside though. And happily, seven years later we can have a show commemorating that tragic event. Come join us for a riotous, side-splitting evening of laughter and song as we celebrate April Fool's Day together.


Where? Mother Egan's Irish Pub
When? April 1st at 7pm
Cost? Free.
Details? The show is All Ages until 8pm

Download a Flyer and Share it with your Friends (PDF)

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, March 29, 2006
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St Patrick's Day Poem

by Marc Gunn

St Patrick's Day music,
St Patrick's Day drink,
St Patrick's Day merriment,
Grand birthday for me.

All are Irish on St Patrick's Day
Shamrock stickers stuck to cheeks
Bluegrass mixed with Irish drinking songs
Makes your heritage feel complete.

People dressed as leprechauns
Drinking green beer
Living the life of the "Irish"
While making some people sneer.

But the Irish unite around the world
Singing songs on St Patrick's Day
Tapping toes and whirling jigs
While the Fae folk hide and play.

Finnegan grabs his mug of beer.
Paddy works hard on the railroad.
Lanigan dances. Biddy Mulligan cheers.
And down in the valley, the bogs explode.

St Patrick's Day culture.
St Patrick's Day birth.
St Patrick's Day poetry and song
Filled with magical St Patrick's Day mirth.

Join the St. Patrick's Day Party!


You can read the original St. Patrick's Day Poem here.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, March 15, 2006
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St. Patrick's Day

Just a few more days till St. Patrick's Day. I'm still trying to release a special edition of the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine as usual. My 17 Free Celtic Music Downloads for St. Patrick's Day special. You will have to check the website for details.

In other news, March 17th is also my birthday. It doesn't look like we'll be gigging too much either. Andrew just updated the shows page, and we just have something at Opal Divine's at 12:40 on Friday. If you're off, we'd love to see you down there. Feel free to wish me a happy birthday.

If you can't make it down, call 512-879-NEWT (6398) and leave a birthday message as well.

If you're wondering who else to see in Austin for St. Patrick's Day, here are a few of my favorites who are performing. You can see a complete list on our St Patrick's Day Party website.
To me, the best lineup for music is either Opal Divine's, Penn Field or at B.D. Riley's Irish Pub. So if we don't get any more gigs between now and then, I'll be at one of those two places much of the day, methinks.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, March 13, 2006
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Pod-Play. Is that Like Sex in a Podcast?

Thanks to our recent addition to the Podsafe Music Network, we are getting a lot of Pod-Play. (Doesn't that sound like we're getting some action in a podcast... that's just wrong!)

Here are some of the recent podcasts playing our music:
That's all the ones who've played us since we joined the network. If you are a podcaster, make sure you join the Podsafe Music Network and let us know you're playing our music. I'll try to add new podcasts in the future.

PS. Check out Shire Radio too, which now plays our music as well.

Labels: ,

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, March 13, 2006
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Short History of St Patrick's Day

The history of St. Patrick’s Day, which started out as a Holy Day for the Irish Catholics in the 10th or 11th century, goes all the way back to the late 3rd century when a small boy was born in Roman England by the name of Maewyn.

Maewyn and his family lived in a small town where his father was a soldier in the army, and a member of the town government. Some accounts say that Maewyn was an agnostic and some say that his family was Christian, but weren’t very strong in their faith. Either way, it doesn’t really matter because it was what happened later in his life that gained him his notoriety.

When Maewyn was only 16, there was a raid on his village from Ireland, in the Irish Sea. They captured Maewyn and many of the villagers, and took them back to Ireland as servants and slaves for the local Irish.

It was here in captivity that it is reported that Maewyn accepted God, and began to talk to him. In fact, legend has it that he often spoke to God in prayer up to one hundred times a day. And Maewyn was under the authority of a Celtic family, so he learned the Celtic language and how to speak it fluently. Six years later, when he was 22, Maewyn escaped from his servitude, and ran to France. There he joined a monastery and under the direction of the Bishop of France, he studied the Bible. It was this Bishop who gave him the name Patrick. Legend has it that while Patrick was here in the monastery, he heard angels calling him back to Ireland.

After spending 12 years in the study of theology and Catholic Laws, he departed and went to Ireland to preach to a heathen nation. He spent 30 years in evangelistic and missionary work across the land. He won many converts over, healed people, and it was even said that he raised some people from the dead. Everywhere he went he announced God, and he built many schools and churches to help promote the Catholic religion. Legend has it that angels followed him everywhere, and even told him where and how to go.

After 30 years of missionary work, he died on March 17th. This is the day that has gone down in history as St. Patrick’s Day, for the patron saint of Ireland.

St. Patrick’s Day today has grown into much more than just a Holy Day for Catholics. Strict Catholics around the world though do remember St. Patrick, usually in an early Mass on March 17th. But everyone joins in as a celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and becomes Irish for the day. It has now become a celebration of spring with parades special Irish meals, green tinted drinks and beer, etc. “The wearing of the green” and the Leprechaun have come about over the years to be Good Luck and prosperity to all and everything green typically represents the turning to spring – green is the color of life.

So, with one day to be Irish, take advantage, and have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day.

Niall Cinneide loves to celebrate St Patrick's Day. He publishes views, information and St Patricks Day News at St Patricks Information.

This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact. All rights reserved. Copyright

Article Source:

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, March 08, 2006
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ALL-CON - Dallas Sci Fi Convention

All-Con was confirmed a couple weeks ago. That is St Patrick's Day/Marc's birthday weekend. Saturday morning after St. Patrick's Day we are driving up early to Dallas. Guess I won't party too hard on Friday since we have a weekend of music to do.

All-Con is the largest Sci Fi Convention in Texas. We have a couple shows each day, plus a couple panels. So come out and join us! Then you can pick up a copy of our St Patrick's Day Music CD, Songs of Ireland.

Location: Sterling Hotel
City: Dallas, Texas

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, March 08, 2006
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