Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

ELYSIUM, Austin Goth Club with Voltaire and Brobdingnagian Bards

Elysium is Austin's premiere Goth club and industrial haven. Voltaire is a brilliant Goth musician and satirist from New York City. The Brobdingnagian Bards are Austin's Original Celtic Renaissance. Add a bit of drinking songs and some mystical Lord of the Rings inspired-music and you have an idea of what we're about.

So how does an Celtic group get booked at a Goth club?
Answer: Voltaire!

It's strange how things work out.

You see, Voltaire performs at a LOT of the same Science Fiction Conventions (I-Con, DragonCon, Opus Fantasy Arts Festival) that we play at. Many Goths go to Sci Fi Conventions and many like our music too. Our fan bases cross over quite a bit.

Also, I'm a HUGE fan of Voltaire. When we were up in New York last month, I decided I wanted to have Voltaire perform in Austin. So I went to the place where every Goth in Austin goes, ELYSIUM. While I was booking Voltaire into Elysium, I mentioned how well our audiences mesh. Lo and behold, we were booked alongside Voltaire and another yet to be mentioned Goth music group.

So on June 3oth, we are going Goth. Don your black kilt and eyeliner, grab a copy of Voltaire's book What Is Goth to find your Goth name, and join us at Austin's Goth Club, Elysium, for a new you won't soon forget!

Date: Friday, June 30, 2006
Time: 10 pm (Brobdingnagian Bards), 11pm (the Machine in the Garden), 12am (Voltaire)
Location: 705 Red River
City: Austin, TX 78705
Phone #: 512.478.2979
Cover: $11
Age: Must be 21 or older to attend.

Download flyers:We could use your help promoting the show. Please consider downloading a flyer and posting it in your place of business. Thanks!


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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Videos from I-Con

Ye gotta love the 'net. We have a few videos that were recorded at I-Con that you can watch thanks to and those who recorded them.
Keep an eye open to other videos there of Voltaire and Emerald Rose.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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Celtic Music on Myspace

I've really been getting into Myspace recently. I know it almost sounds cliché, but ever since I talked to Voltaire about how he manages his Myspace page, I've been excited about using it as a promotional tool.

I'm out there chatting with everyone I can and introducing them to the music of the Brobdingnagian Bards as well as some of my own stuff. Make sure you friend me if you haven't already. I am using my myspace page a lot and now have over 900 friends on the site.

But that's not all. It's also a great promotional tool for my many podcasts. I do my best to get the word out to as many folks as I can. And it seems to be making a difference. Not since days have I sent people get as excited as I've seen them of recent.

The next step is to get Nagians involved in talking us up on Myspace, adding us as their "favorite band", add one of our songs to your website, whatever it takes.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, April 11, 2006
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Imagine Brobdingnagian Bards Live Concerts Podcasted Daily

I just got done reading about Sandi Thom. She's a pop artist in Scotland who's doing something really cool. She's having live concerts via a Webcast on a daily basis.

This is really quite brilliant. I've long wanted to do something just like that, but I couldn't figure out how to apply it. The webcast for instance. It seems like it's just way too expensive to pull off... not saying I ever tried pricing it. But it seems like it is.

Plus there's the issue of a venue. One that has the resources and could also hold the people.

Course I could always try to do something like this using my many podcasts. That would probably be the trick.

Right now, Andrew and are podcasting sorta live concerts every couple weeks. But I wonder what would happen if we did a daily show for like a month? What would be the result?

Course doing something like that I don't know if I would have to even promote the shows we were doing, but wow. Just imagine. Even have a small studio audience show up for each show. If only I could find a venue...

What do you think? If we could pull something like this off, would you come to a show? Let us know.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Saturday, April 08, 2006
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C.W. Post Renaissance Faire

No sooner had we left Long Island then we were invited back. This time for a Renaissance festival--CW Post Renaissance Faire.

This faire is being held at the CW Post Campus in Brookville, New York. We're still trying to gather up the details. But here's all that I know so far.

Location: CW Post Campus at Riggs Lawn
Time: noon-6pm
Our Times: noon and 3pm
City: Brookville, NY
Phone #: 631.632.6045
Website: for driving directions see:


The Brobdingnagian Bards - 12pm & 3pm
C.W. Post Madrigals - 2pm
The Commedia dell' Arte Players - 4:30pm

*Participating Clubs - Activities*

Say Anything Improv., PTSA - Human chess game
Pre-Law Assoc. - History of Medieval law, Stock pictures
Anime Club - Dunk Tank (Drench-a-Wench)
L.O.G.S. - "Werewolf" game
Alpha Xi Delta - Ribbon Wreaths (headresses)
Indian Pride Club - Henna
Latin American Women's Society- Hair Braiding

Labels: ,

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, April 07, 2006
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Everything You Didn't Want to Know about April Fool's Day... Not Really!

There's a lot going on right now. St. Patrick's Day marked the official start of the yearly madness. Andrew is booking gigs, and I'm busying promoting them.

Course, I haven't done as much on this website, since I like the feed back I get via livejournal and myspace. But I will try to make regular updates here. Feel free to remind me. ;)

In fact, if you read our last Crier, you know I'm also trying to get some street teams up and running. If you are interested in seeing how you can help, read this page.

Happily, some of our projects are going along brilliantly. Have you listened to A Brobdingnagian Minute? It's our podcast that comes out every couple o'weeks. We're still in Season One. (I thought it'd be cool to run the podcast in Seasons). The sound quality is better than ever. And if you've never seen us live, this is the third best thing. (I mean, obviously, you have to own the CDs first. ;)

Oh! And remember you don't need to own an iPod to listen. And it may be dangerous to listen to at work, because you might bust up laughing in the middle of your office.

Oh! And don't for get to join the NEW message board.

Our April Fool's Day show as a smashing success. We had a few folks who found was while searching for free irish music as well as folks who just casually dropped by and of course, our loving Nagians. All in all, it was a brilliant show.

I've had a sinus infection since we got back from New York and was having trouble singing, but seems like no one noticed. So that's always a good sign. If you made it out to the show or for that matter ANY of our shows, make sure you let the venue know. That's the surest way to get us back soon. Send them an email.

One of my latest promotional ideas is recording Station IDs for podcasts who play us via the Podsafe Music Network.

In today's batch, I had a podcaster from Greece. The problem is the show, VryPannet Radio, is in Greek. Sure he's playing us singing in English, but what good is an English version of "Hi. This is Marc Gunn of the..." So I asked him how to say it in Greek.

I just hope I didn't say anything bad. ;)

So wanna hear? :) Listen Now!

I guess that's enough rambling for now. The letter of the day is B and we're sponsored by the number 2. Thanks for reading and drop by again some time.

--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Sunday, April 02, 2006
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