Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

Bard Bootleg, Vol. 1 - KEOS 2001-2002

MP3 CD | $20.00 + S&H

Bard Bootlegs, Vol. 1Take a step back in time with us. We have three live, in-studio performances that we recorded at a KEOS Radio in Bryan, Texas back in 2001 and 2002. You will hear one of our earliest performances of the "Jedi Drinking Song", a couple songs unavailable on any CD, a dragon's beheading, and the first recording of "Moria" from Memories of Middle Earth that includes it's ORIGINAL name. Plus, I can't begin to tell you how funny these are. Andrew and I were dying laughing while listening to our antics.

You'll have nearly three hours of rough-and-tumble music and bardic fun. We plan to release only 100 copies of this bootleg MP3 CD (one CD packed with all these MP3s). Remember, these are bootleg quality recordings recorded off the radio. This is only for the diehard Nagians so if you want a copy order soon before they vanish forever into the depths of Nagian History.

We will order these CDs on this week. So it will take about a month before you get your copy of the album. Sorry. We sold out of this CD as of Sept 29, 2006.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Friday, September 29, 2006
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Adventures of the Brobdingnagian Bards Comic

Did you know we have our own comic book?

About four years ago, Andrew and I were performing at I-Con, a Sci Convention in Stony Brook, NY. Andrew had left the table about thirty minutes earlier. He came back with an excited look on his face.

He told me about one of the artists he had found. Her name was Nikki O'Shea of DragonPress Graphics. We found someone to watch the table, and he dragged me back to her booth. I loved her style. It was bold and contemporary.

The three of us talked for a while. I think it was a little too long, and we were almost late for show. But we renewed our conversations. Before we left the convention, we talked about creating a comic strip featuring the Brobdingnagian Bards. That comic came to fruition a few short months later. It's been a hit since. As has our very own graphic novel telling the story of the song "Do Virgins Taste Better".

Adventures of the Brobdingnagian Bards Comic, Book 1 - Do Virgins Taste Better Than Those Who Are Not?Book | $10.00 + S&H
Adventures of the Brobdingnagian Bards Comic Book After three years of putting out the comic strip - three slow years - the bards comic strip is approaching it's third year anniversary with a complete storyline plus extras!

As an anniversary occasion, Nikki O'Shea at Dragon Press in conjunction with the Bards are proud to announce the publishing of the very first Bards Comic Strip Book!

The book is magazine sized, 38 pages with a color cover and black and white interiors. It has everything that was published online as well as a 3-page bonus story.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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Dragons and Virgins

We're still at FenCon right now, but I'm a little awed. At long last, we met two people whose names we've only known from years of playing songs by these two people. They are Randy Farran and Claire McMurray. Those two authored "Do Virgins Taste Better" and "The Dragon's Retort" respectively.

Andrew was first introduced to the first song through his sister in our first year together. After doing some research online, he found Claire's song "The Dragon's Retort". We combined those two songs together when we first started playing at Excalibur Fantasy Faire. It was our first "hit". So we recorded them individually for our first CD, Marked By Great Size. But Nagians wanted to hear the two songs together, as we perform them live. So when we started recording A Faire To Remember, we decided we would indeed record those two songs together. It's been one of our most-popular songs since.

Nevertheless, Randy and Claire have been sorta secret heros of mine ever since. I caught a little of Randy's show he had today, which was fantastic. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that Claire was at the convention too. So I was disappointed when we performed our "Medley" when I realized I mentioned Randy Farran as an author, but not Claire McMurray. And even more ironic was that Claire was in the audience and Randy wasn't. LOL. Anyway, my apologies Claire!!!

Oo! On an extra exciting note, Claire asked about my solo cat CD, Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers and she's planning to submit a song for the next cat album. Oh! And Cedric of the Bedlam Bards has a couple more songs planned for the album, too.

All in all, FenCon is just brilliant fun, while being soo much more relaxing than DragonCon. Though it just makes me miss DragonCon all the more. I can't for next year. However, I'm now also really hoping that FenCon will have us back next year. It's a good time all around.


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--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Saturday, September 23, 2006
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Men Without Pants Calendar with Brobdingnagian Bards

Mark your calendars! On Sunday, September 17th, Things Celtic is having our annual "Six Months To Saint Patrick's Day Celebration". *10% of all sales on this day will be donated to The Austin Celtic Association.*

Things Celtic will be open from 10 AM to 5 PM on Sept. 17th. The fun begins at noon, with a beginning Irish language lesson from The Gaelic League of Austin. At 1 PM, Doc Grauzer will entertain us with Celtic harp music, followed by always enjoyable Brobdingnagian Bards at 2 PM. Then at 3 PM, storytellers David and Lucinda will be on hand to tell us tales of adventure, folklore, and excitement.

They'll also be having a sidewalk sale on Sept. 17th only; all items out on the sale tables will be *at least* 50% off the regular price!

....speaking of calendars, the 2007 calendars are in, including the brand new "Things Celtic 2007 Men Without Pants Calendar" ! Real men - our friends & customers from the Central Texas area - wearing kilts. Available at Things Celtic, 1806 W. 35th St, Austin, or you can order a copy from our website here.

Interested in a touring Ireland with a fun loving group? The Brobdingnagian Bards are hosting a tour of Ireland, June 7-15, 2007. This tour has been planned with the Irish and Renaissance Festival fan in mind. Base cost for the land trip only is $1,685, based on double occupancy. This price does not include airfare, but it *does* include transportation around the island, admission to historic sites and attractions, accommodations, breakfasts, and some dinners. See for more details and reservation info.

ADDED: Yes, Andrew and I are your January models for the calendar. Buy It Here


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, September 11, 2006
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DragonCon 2006 Highlights

DragonCon is over. And I am wiped! You can see it by the bags underneath my eyes. That, and the new sinus infection. This was by far the busiest we've been at DragonCon. We had more shows than ever. Non-stop musical mayhem... or something like that. I tried getting a lot of rest, but I guess it didn't work.

Next year, I need to remember to starting early preparing for DragonCon... training if you will. Regular daily exercise so that I don't get too tired that way too. Saturday evening I disappeared into my Happy Place there was so much stimulation.

Some highlights:
  • We played for the Masquerade. It was awesome playing to a good 4000 people. My vocal mic had probs. So before we played "Jedi", we swung into "In the Mood". Both were a huge success.

  • The filk shows were wild, packed. Friday, there were so many people we moved the show into the hallway only to have the Fire Marshall close us down. Saturday and Sunday both had lines out the door. We definitely need a bigger venue.

  • Oh and after the Friday show, I was tired and delirious. I was posing in front of a statue of Jabba the Hutt doing... well... my best Leia impression, along with other embarrassing, blackmail pictures that I'm sure will show up online soon.

  • Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica fame pulled us aside on the Walk of Fame and asked us to play song. That was cool.

  • I was surprised by the number of Celtic festivals and Scottish games asking to hire us for their events. I just don't expect that much at Sci Fi cons.

  • I got a copy of Voltaire's new LIVE CD that was recorded at Elysium in Austin. My name was placed prominently on the back of the CD, "recorded by". Woohoo! I'm on a Voltaire CD. ;)

  • Mmm... Good food with West of the Moon folks.

  • We missed out at playing for Slice of SciFi and WingingIt, but I went to a Room Party of Michael and Evo's that was just brilliant. Author, Scott Sigler, "sang" a wild version of "Wild Rover" with me there. It was brilliant.

  • As soon as I get a chance to mess with the the Sunday night filk show, I hope to post it as a Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast. Keep an eye open for that.

  • The "Jedi Drinking Songs Prequel" went over great this weekend, though we kinda screwed up our performance of it in the Parsec Podcast Awards. But it was cool when Tracy Hickman of Dragon Lance fame expressed his love of our music. The Jedi Assembly seemed to dig the song as well.

  • Sunday on the Concourse, I had a blast playing "Health to the Company" with Bedlam Bards and Pandora Celtica. And Cedric's (of the Bedlam Bards) sign language interpretation of "The Unicorn Song" was a huge hit!

I guess that's all I can think of right now.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, September 05, 2006
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