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Cool Musical Group of Dragon Con Award

Rampway is Georgia State University's student-run online magazine. There was a great article about DragonCon called "Dragon 20006: Everything You Need". We got a nice feature...

So last year, I was at Dragon Con, minding everyone's business, when a friend declared she would die if she didn't hear this group play. I figured I had enough bad Karma, so I tagged along with her. This group was amazing! They played comedic Celtic Music one second and achingly poignant tunes the next. But the whole point was this song...Lily the Pink. It's about this medicinal compound and all these stupid people and well...I thought it was hilarious. It haunted me for the next year. So this year I am all ready to hear the B.Bards play my personal jam, Lily the Pink. I go to a performance gathered around a huge Jabba the Hutt statue. Yes, it was weird. But the stupid fire marshal shut down the performance before they could play my song. *sad me*

But, I hunted them down to two more performances and they still didn't play it. Although I am normally a shy,retiring person with a gentle manner and a kind word for everyone, I cornered one of the bards. See, the group is made of two men. Andrew McKee and Marc Gunn. Poor Andrew was in the direct path of my wrath. Well, not direct, he sort of snuck up on me and made me scream. But the point is, I demanded they play Lily the Pink at their next performance. I was given the promise that they would. I expressed my doubts. But they did it! They played the song! Yay! So Andrew is a man of his word. A musician with strong morals? I know.

This incident prompted me to give this group my newly instituted Cool Musical Group of Dragon Con Award. There's no money, physical award, or even a gift certificate, but if you work it into a sentence it sounds great. So I say go to their site, to find out how to pronounce their name if nothing else. They also have clips of their songs for you to listen to and believe me, it's your loss if you don't take advantage of it.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Monday, October 09, 2006
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Elysium in Review

Once again, I find myself amazed by Elysium... on many levels

Last year, I met a Goth friend online who invited me to the club. So I wanted to go for a while, but never made it out. Please being a Goth-o-phile, I was anxious to experience the club. But I didn't. It wasn't until this year, when I talked another friend into going there for a 80s Goth night. And then learned about their 80s night on Sundays. I went back for one of those and had a blast. I liked the club. It had a good atmosphere. Dark and swank. Since the smoking ban went into session Austin, it's not too been too bad for cigarette smoke... That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but it's not unbareable though.

So after I-Con in New York, and spending another amazing evening hanging out with Voltaire, I decided I wanted to get him into the club. So I hunted down the agent, did the footwork, and I was impressed by the character of the owners who booked the club. Good people. And great character. Of course, the show was a rousing success.

So now we're up to the present. Friday night, we had our first show there where we shared the evening with two Goth bands. In case, you didn't know, we're not Goths. We're more geek than Goth. We've played a lot of shows here in Austin. I love playing shows in Austin. It's so much easier than being on the road. But it's also so much easier to be complacent.

Most of the venues we've played in Austin have been half-hearted in supporting us. To them, it's all about how many people we can bring in on a dead night. That's fine. I accept that that is the fate of a musician. That's usually what it's about. We're kinda fortunate to perform at Ren Faires and Sci Fi Cons, where that's not the primary issue.

Oh and I should mention that many venues also don't want to pay because in Austin, musicians are a dime a dozen. So why pay good musicians when you can get some for free?

Elysium--a Goth club--is the first place I've played in Austin where I feel we are treated with respect. I like that. A lot. To know that the club sees your value. They know what you can do, what you can do for them, and what they can do for you. And they are willing to help you attain that goal.

I know Elysium, as a venue, doesn't serve all of our fans. So I am on the lookout for more venues like it that will reach our other fans. But I am a huge supporter of independent businesses that are run from the heart. And Elysium is just that sort of business. I can't wait until we return there in another three months.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Sunday, October 08, 2006
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Goth Help Us - Back at Elysium This Friday

I don't think I've mentioned yet that we are going BACK to ELYSIUM, Austin's premiere Goth club. Bards dressed in black with dark humor... What am I saying, Andrew couldn't be dark if he tried! Well, I can! Really I can! Read my poetry, you'll see. It's not all Jedi, fish and chips.

Anyway, mark your calendars. We'll be there on Friday, October 6th at 10pm, opening for two killer local Goth bands: Ear to Anon and Lila's Medicine. What do we have in common with them? Very little musically. Though I bet they like Star Wars and drinking. I mean, who doesn't... except Andrew. Well, I mean he likes Star Wars, but not drinking... alcohol at least. I mean, he likes his sweet tea... bad tangent, where was I?

Our last show at Elysium was, well, like a show at Sci Fi Convention. High-energy and amazing fun!

Tell your friends and your friends' friends. And share the news with everyone you can.

Date: Friday, October 6, 2006
Time: 10 pm (Brobdingnagian Bards), 11pm (Ear to Anon), 12am (Lila's Medicine)
Location: 705 Red River
City: Austin, TX 78705
Phone #: 512.478.2979
Cover: TBA
Age: Must be 21 or older to attend.


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, October 03, 2006
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