Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

The latest music news, stories, and events of The Original Celtic Renaissance music group, the Brobdingnagian Bards. CELTIC GEEK at its Best! Find out more from the Nagians page.

Brobdingnagian Crier - Merry Christmas

- End of the Season
- Ireland Tour Deadline Extended
- Fraud Update
- Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
- Join Us in Ireland Where...
- Upcoming Shows: GAFilk
- MP3 Download: Bog Down in Christmas
- Quick links to the Brobdingnagian Bards

Brobdingnagian Bards Tales

Greetings Nagians!

Well, the year is coming to a close. We just finished our last show of the year at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. The last weekend featured amazing, high 70s weather... in December. What gives?! But I'm not complaining. The faire had great attendance all-year long.

Now I am sitting in the New Orelans airport waiting to fly back to Austin. I have only a couple days to get stuff in order before I fly to Germany to visit family. With any luck, I'll have some cold weather. And there's even a small possibilty I'll be playing in a pub in Weisbaden. But we'll see...

I had a number of people tell me that they were waiting for their IRS checks to arrive before they could make a decision about joining us in Ireland tour. We still have a few more spots available, so we decided to extend the deadline to January 23rd. So if you're still wanting to join us in Ireland, you have a little bit more time, but the sooner you put in your deposit, the better your chances of joining us! See the details of our Vacation Tour of Ireland here.

Andrew and I were also talking about skipping over to England for a few days after the tour ends on June 13th. We want to do a couple shows and see a little bit of that area too, having never been there. Consequently, we are looking for some venues. If you know of any venues or are willing to help us get booked, please contact us with as much info as you can find about the venues, especially active email addresses. Email me us.

We want to thank EVERYONE who helped out financially and also spread the word about the Internet Fraud we encountered in October. I've had half a dozen people contact me and tell me that this information helped them because they ran into the same or a similar fraud. And when the Tartan Terrors were knocked off, we were also able to donate some of our surplus to help them them out as well, and pass it on. I'm happy to say, we are back in the black, and still didn't even unload all those DVDs. But thank you, thank you for your help.

The holidays are upon us. I'm really excited to see there are a lot of people who look like they are giving Brobdingnagian Bards CDs for the holidays. "The Holy Grail of Irish Drinking Songs" and our new live CD are really popular this year, and the Christmas EP is nearly sold out at CD Baby. So I need to get more of those there soon. Thank you for sharing our music for the holidays!

It's amazing that we're just two weeks away from Christmas too. I just am Not ready. I haven't done ANY gift shopping. But maybe I'll find some good gifts in Germany. I've barely heard any Christmas music this year either. I did take a moment to listen and laugh at The Limeybirds' Christmas Album. And ye know what got me listening to their CD this year? A fan at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival told me how she learned to say "Brobdingnagian" thanks to their version of "Twelve Days of Christmas". Too Cool!

Oh! I put together the shownotes for a Celtic Christmas show for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I hope to have online in a couple days. Meantime, if you want some more Celtic Christmas music, check out my Celtic Christmas CD store.

Well, I hope your holidays are bright and filled with joy whatever you are doing this holiday season. Slainte!

Well before St. Patrick arrived in Ireland, before St. Patricks Day and before Guiness was invented the Celts celebrated 4 times a year during fire festivals. We visit the fantasy Brigit's Garden in Co. Galway that interprets these fire festivals. Learn how to make your own Brigid's Cross, and we hope to perform on one of the world's largest sundials that's in this garden.

Find out more at

Jan 11-13, 2008, GAFilk, Atlanta, GA

Our schedule for next year is filling up nicely. See details on the website...

And here's a fun Christmas MP3 that you will NEVER hear Andrew ever do ever again. It's called "Bog Down in Christmas". He parodied "Rattlin' Bog" when we recorded our Christmas EP. It's mucho fun!

"Bog Down in Christmas" from Christmas in Brobdingnag, Vol. 1
Listen: Download: Buy CD: Buy MP3s:

Happy holidays and Slainte!
-Marc Gunn, Bard

Quick Links to the Brobdingnagian Bards


--posted by Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards, Celtic Folk Music
  Tuesday, December 11, 2007


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